

SKU: 898684000023 Category:


MAN Sports Scorch

Reveal The Steel

• Contains fat burning nutrients in proper doses, including raspberry ketones,
EGCG’s, evodiamine, synephrine and more!
• Increases resting metabolic rate to burn fat fast
• Support a Healthy Normal Appetite
• Supports Mental Clarity, Focus and Mood
• Aids in Excess Water Loss and Maintains Lean Body Mass

Raspberry Ketones – Raspberry Ketones (RK) are the compounds in raspberries that impart the characteristic fruity odor. New research suggests that RK possesses powerful fat-loss properties and represent a new tool in aiding fat loss. The chemical structure of RK resembles that of capsaicin (of red peppers) and synephrine, found in Citrus Aurantium. Both synephrine and capsaicin are well documented for their ability to produce thermogenesis through the release of norepinephrine (NE). NE increases lipolysis (breakdown of “white” fat cells), reduces appetite, and supports attention/focus (along with dopamine). In other words, RK works synergistically with SCORCH’s other scientifically based components to maximize fat-loss.

While pepper extracts can cause gastrointestinal distress, RK has no documented side effects related to consumption and may even be more thermogenic than capsaicin. Due to the similarity in structure of RK to capsaicin and synephrine, scientific research to test the fat-loss effects of RK was done. That research concluded that RK helped mitigate the normal increase in blood triglyceride levels following a high-fat meal. When rats were overfed fructose RK prevented fat synthesis. RK’s fat loss effects come from their ability to enhance norepineprine-induced fat loss by promoting the relocation of HSL from the cytosol of cells directly to fat deposits!

PEA (phenylethylamine) -Phenethylamine, (PEA), is an alkaloid and monoamine found in many foods such as chocolate. Its high concentration in chocolate has given this compound the reputation of being the love drug that is associated with chocolate. In the human brain it is believed to function as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter (trace amine). It possesses potent stimulatory, anorectic and mood elevating properties making it an effective weight loss supplement.

Isobutyryl Thiamine Disulfide – Isobutyryl Thiamine Disulfide is a new fat soluble derivative of the B-vitamin B-1 (Thiamine). It more rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier and its uses are for mental and physical fatigue. It supports alertness, memory and posses calming properties.

Synephrine – Synephrine is an adrenergic amine, with mild stimulating properties, that enhances the metabolic rate, increases fat burning, suppresses appetite and spares muscle protein. The mechanism of action of Synephrine is unique amongst weight loss supplements in that Synephrine is an agonist of the alpha-1 adrenoreceptor. The alpha-1 adrenoreceptor is involved in many physiological processes, playing a variety of roles in adipose tissue, such as modulating intracellular Ca2+ and protein kinase C levels and glycogenolysis and lactate production.

Alpha-1 agonists increase lipolysis in a variety of studies. This effect is potentiated by beta receptor stimulation, adenosine antagonism, and elevated cAMP levels, so caffeine, forskolin, raspberry ketones and possibly compounds such as evodiamine, and capsaicin may all be synergistic with Synephrine in regards to weight loss. Synephrine may also support appetite control, known to be attributed to alpha-1 agonism, so Synephrine can also be expected to aid in a fat loss plan by reducing the amount of calories consumed on a daily basis.

Evodiamine – Evodiamine is a bioactive alkaloid found in the fruit Evodiae Fructus (also known as Wu-Chu-Yu). It has been used for centuries by Chinese herbalists as a tool to promote weight loss. Its main mechanisms of action is believed to be through stimulation of the vanilloids receptors, which gives Evodiamine the distinctive potential to increase heat production and heat loss simultaneously, ultimately leading to the use of fat for fuel. Recent studies on mammals suggest that Evodiamine does indeed promote weight loss. Additionally Evodiamine increases catecholamine secretion from the adrenal glands leading to stimulatory properties and cAMP activation. cAMP causes the activation of about 300 different enzyme reactions in the body. Essentially this puts ATP production, synthesis of protein and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates into overdrive, and that can help you get lean and hard. Evodiamine represents an effective thermogenic agent that supports energy, has diuretic properties, and vasodilating properties.

P2 Oolong Tea SE – Oolong Tea has been studied extensively for its antioxidant properties and it is believed to aid in decreasing bodyfat. A recent study on Oolong Tea showed it to increase metabolism even more so than the popular Green Tea. Oolong Tea increased resting energy needs by 10 percent compared to 4 percent for Green Tea. Don’t go throwing away your Green Tea just yet.

Researchers found that the teas work for different reasons. Green Tea is high in catechins and caffeine, while Oolong Tea is high in P2™ Polymerized Polyphenols (several Polyphenols linked together). The research suggests that P2™ Polymerized Polyphenols in Oolong Tea are responsible for the increased Energy Expenditure (EE) and that by taking Green Tea in conjunction (high in catechins) may provide an even greater fat-burning effect.

Lean Green Tea SE – An abundance of research has studied the potential for Green Tea can cause weight loss through multiple ways. Green Tea is an effective appetite suppressant and increases thermogenesis. Thermogenesis refers to energy used in heat production that is not related to resting metabolism or physical activity. Green Tea effects on body weight and energy expenditure were examined in a study that reported that 24-h energy expenditure (EE) and fat oxidation increased in healthy, young men who consumed a Green Tea Extract containing caffeine and Green Tea Polyphenols(catechins which include EC, EGC, ECG, and EGCG).* Of these, EGCG epigallocatechin gallate is the most active.

It was concluded that Green Tea Polyphenols, especially EGCG stimulate thermogenesis and fat oxidation. A synergistic effect of EGCG and caffeine may be responsible for enhancing thermogenesis and fat oxidation. Additionally the catechins, found in Green Tea are known to possess antioxidant activity by protecting the body from the damaging effects of oxidative damage from free radicals.

Caffeine – A natural Central Nervous System stimulant, caffeine is also extremely well-documented to possess thermogenic and appetite-suppressive qualities. Caffeine is widely used for its ability to provide energy, and studies suggest it increases reaction time and enhances athletic performance.

Bioprene® – Is a standardized extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (black pepper) or Piper longum L (long pepper). It contains 95 percent of piperine. Bioperine® may be co-administered with various nutrients for both human and animal health. The metabolic process that generates energy at the cellular level in the human body is called thermogenesis. Though thermogenesis has been identified as a key factor in maintaining weight loss, it has also been identified as playing an integral role in utilizing the daily food and nutrients that the human body consumes. It sets in motion the mechanisms that lead to digestion and subsequent gastrointestinal absorption. Piperine, in the patented form of Bioperine® enhances the body’s natural thermogenic activity – hence the term Thermonutrient®.

This enhancement may be explained as a means of increasing the thermal energy sufficient to “power up” the mechanism related to thermogenesis. This in turn results in increased metabolic processes that creates a “demand” for “supply” of a broad range of nutrients that contribute to metabolism, i.e. vitamins, minerals, herbals, amino acids, etc. It is as if Bioperine® activates a metabolic paddle wheel, of sorts, that selectively provides a more efficient mode of nutrient transportation into the blood. Bioperine® is the only product sourced out of piperine to obtain a patented status for its ability to increase the bioavailability of nutritional compounds. Secondly, it is the only source from piperine to have undergone clinical studies in the U.S. to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use. Bioperine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corp. and is protected by U.S. Patents; No. 5,536,506, No. 5,744,161, No. 5,972,382, No. 6,054,585

Ginger Root SE Gingerols & Shogaols – Ginger consists of the fresh or dried roots of Zingiber officinale. Ginger is a known diaphoretic, meaning it causes one to sweat.* It is also carminative, which means that it helps break up intestinal gas. It also has the ability to cleanse the colon, support circulation, and aid metabolism. It is often used as an adjunct to other supplements for general tonic or stimulant purposes.

Researchers found that the teas work for different reasons. Green Tea is high in catechins and caffeine, while Oolong Tea is high in P2™ Polymerized Polyphenols (several Polyphenols linked together). The research suggests that P2™ Polymerized Polyphenols in Oolong Tea are responsible for the increased Energy Expenditure (EE) and that by taking Green Tea in conjunction (high in catechins) may provide an even greater fat-burning effect.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 3 Thermo-Caps
Servings per Container: 56

Lean Green™ Green Tea SE (90% Catechins, 60% EGCG) 250mg *
Total EGCG Per Serving 150mg *
P2 Oolong Tea SE (30% Polymerized Polyphenols, 10% EGCG) 250mg *
Total Polymerized Polyphenols Per Serving 75mg *
Total EGCG Per Serving 25mg *
Caffeine USP 200mg *
PEA (phenylethylamine) 150mg *
Isobutyryl Thiamine Disulfide 150mg *
RK™ Raspberry Ketones 125mg *
Evodiamine 99% 50mg *
Ginger Root SE (5% gingerols & Shogaols) 50mg *
Synephrine 99% 20mg *
Bioperine® 5mg *

*Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, FD&C BLUE #1, FD&C RED #40, Titanium Dioxide, Gelatin.

Directions: As a dietary supplement take 3 Thermo-Caps twice daily on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning and in the afternoon. Separate each dose of SCORCH by at least 4 hours. Do not take it past 4:00 PM as it may interfere with sleep. Individuals sensitive to stimulants may want to begin usage with 1 to 2 Thermo-Caps 1 to 2 times daily to asses their tolerance. Use for no longer than 8 weeks straight, followed by an off period of at least 2 weeks before resuming use.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs


MAN Sports


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